25 juin 2021 - 3436 vues
Guitapapa, alias Eric Abraham, Né à Bruxelles, est chanteur de naissance, naturellement, un peu comme on respire.
Guitapapa, alias Eric Abraham, born in Brussels, is a natural singer since the day he was born, it’s a bit like breathing to him.
Il est « multi-instrumentiste », même si la voix et la guitare sont de loin les instruments qu’il affectionne le plus.
He plays multiple instruments but he strongly favours his voice and his guitar.
Son métier d’ingénieur du son participe à la finesse de son art avec une longue expérience
dans le domaine de la pub et du travail en studio (Fondateur du Studio-UP )
His profession as a sound engineer contributes to the fine art that is his music with a long experience in the field of publicity and studio work (founder of Studio-Up).
Il a utilisé la première fois le "pseudo" Guitapapa en 2015 lors de son inscription au site "Younow.com" USA et donc continué à l'utiliser pour les “streaming live” de covers de chansons principalement en anglais des Beatles à Imagine Dragons en passant par Tracy Chapmann, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran James Bay…etc
He used his alias Guitapapa in 2015 for the first time when he subscribed to the site ‘younow.com' USA and subsequently continued to use this alias for his ‘live streamings’ of covers mainly in English ranging from the Beatles to Imagine Dragons via Tracy Chapman, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, James Bay, etc …
Au cours des années, il est progressivement devenu partenaire (Younow, Krue, Périscope/Twitter, Happ, Twitch …etc ) ensuite comme l’audience et les followers grandissaient, et que durant l’été 2020 il est devenu "non essentiel" (Covid) il a décidé d'enfin lancer son projet perso.
Over the years he was present on various platforms (Younow, Krue, Périscope/Twitter, Happ, Twitch etc, …) and because his audience and followers kept growing in numbers and because during the summer of 2020 he became ‘non essential’ (Covid), he decided to finally launch his personal project.
Le parcours d’Eric est rempli de chouettes moments à chaque époque de sa carrière, avec des victoires de concours de chant, Finaliste d’une Emission sur la Rtbf,
1er prix de chanson avec la pab-sabam au Botanique, en compagnie de Chérie FM,
Finaliste sur VTM « Soundmix Show » …etc ).
Eric’s trajectory is peppered with super moments all through his career and include victories in singing competitions; he was a finalist during a tv show on RTBF; he won 1st prize in a singing competition with pab-sabam in the Botanical garden together with Chérie FM; he was a finalist on VTM’s Soundmix show, etc…
Depuis trois années il est aussi « lead singer » de TrioCo
Un trio de musiciens pro reprenant des chansons de manière originale.
Since 3 years he is also the lead singer of a band called TrioCo. A trio of professional musicians who cover songs in their own original way.
Aujourd’hui sa passion est toujours intacte avec ce supplément de maturité.
Et grâce à cette connaissance de la technique du son il a décidé de s’auto-produire.
Today his passion is still as big and has matured. And thanks to his knowledge in the field of sound engineering he has decided to auto-produce himself.
Les titres sont entièrement écrits, composés, enregistrés, et finalisés chez lui au Studio UP
His songs are entirely written, composed, recorded and mixed in his own studio : Studio UP.